NS Fairy Tale: A Channeled Message for Me
Once upon a time, there was a young beautiful princess who had everything her heart desired, silk scarves for her hair and slippers for her feet. And she would go outside and dance with the fairies and frolic in the hills and when tired, she would nestle beneath trees and the Spirit of Tree would cover her with branches for comfort. It was here she found her delight in the dancing and merriment of fairies and animals and all elementals, and where she felt her heart belonged. As time passed, she began to have more involvement with humans and while interesting and mostly good experiences, she would always return to her heart’s content among the hills, trees and elemental world. Why, she wondered did she have to go interact with the humans? It wasn’t always pleasant like in the woods and other nature. She began to be mad at her body that had the human shape and regret that she was not the water sprite or fairie or pixie, elf, or gnome, or wind, or animal, or dirt or any multitude of things that really felt real to her and where she belonged. Did I do something wrong? Have I been cast out of my elemental kingdom, she asked; because she did not understand.
For a time, her questioning began to take form in her body and a variety of ailments overtook her. When she felt frail, she would lay in bed and there she would regain her fortitude and rightful place – amongst the elementals in all the forms she knew so intimately. The minerals like mica or silica, or feldspar, spoke to her and she felt belonging with them. The human body and the form that was “gifted” was not a gift in her mind or her heart –for she longed to be the wind and the blue sky or be a fairy dancing or an animal spirit all watching and working with this lovely earth. Please, she would plead– why again am I here in this form that seems foreign? How can I belong?
Ah dear one, at last she heard, it was you that offered to come to the earth as a human. Don’t you recall that you indeed suggested what a wonderful opportunity it would be to interact with and be amongst the humans once again (because you know you also had that shape at one time)? And she sat very still upon hearing this, because there was some inkling of remembrance in the message. Very still indeed and the birds came to her window, and the stream babbled in her mind, and then slowly her heart opened.
Ah yes Jill, that sounds like Hill, she heard, you are one with us and we feast with all the elementals and all the truths: such as the poplar tree and the Norse Goddess Freya and Avalon and the Egyptian truths. All these are kingdoms that have come and gone, and some remain, but behind the veil. You have dined with us at the Table of Kings representing multitudes of kingdoms. In this hall where the table is laid, you have a special seat here. You dine herewith us and we are all one and we send messages to you that you belong with us all. So enjoy your human experience and rejoice and be a peace with knowing that you requested this experience. That in doing so, you could help unite the human kingdom more wholly with the elemental and other kingdoms so the planet could ascend more fully with all realities working collectively. You are never alone and you are perfect and you are blessed and you are love.
And then the Princess, knew in fact that she was wealthier than she ever dreamed. That the riches of the kingdoms and the words they spoke to her were her birthright. That to dine with the elders and all kingdoms at the Table of Kings (imagine a table of all truths, plants, animals, elementals, essences, Holy groups) and there was a plate for her and the chair was pulled out with food to feast upon. There was much to be done and she still had to return to the humans to share in this newly reawakened delight. It was - as if – she had been sleeping and only now awoke to her find she was right where she belonged. Between all worlds connecting the truth.
And that my dear is what we hope we all in the human world can do, they reminded her. That we awaken once again to our truth. And delight in the feast. There is much to do and much to be enjoyed. With the greatest wealths and riches each kingdom has to offer, come to the table and feast…
And she delighted in knowing she did in fact, as we all do…belong.